Positive Affirmations

Affirmations can be a great resource for helping to boost your vibrational energy and a useful tool in the manifestation process. For some people, they are just a bit of a fancy pep talk and it can be seen as another way of “faking it until you make it”. However, when used regularly and with intention they can be a supportive tool for your everyday life.

What are Affirmations?

You have around 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day and studies have shown that 90% of those thoughts are repetitive. Of those thoughts about 80% of them, in broad terms, are negative. As you increase your awareness of your thoughts through the practice of yoga, meditation and journaling, you will believe this to be true.

In these recurring thoughts, the chances are, whether you know it or not, you are already using affirmations. For example: “I can't do this”, “I'm so stupid”. “I am such a bad...... insert whatever word here” or “I will never find........ insert your desire or dream”

These affirmations are taking over your conscious and subconscious mind daily. When left unchecked your mind will tend towards the negative rather than the positive.

What are the benefits?

Positive affirmations are statements or phrases that you choose to repeat to yourself. They bring you into the present moment and move you away from the monkey mind. They are a form of self-talk, helping to focus your mind and manifest your intentions. By repeating the phrases over and over you can rewire your brain, replacing negative thoughts and beliefs with positive ones.

Affirmations can help to transform your mindset and alleviate stress. They assist you in shifting your energy and boosting your confidence. They let you release self-doubt, embrace self-love and remind you of your true worth.

In repeating positive phrases you become more aware of your thoughts, emotions and behaviours encouraging self-reflection and self-discovery. This enables you to make more conscious choices when taking action towards your goals and values.

In affirming your worth and abilities you can boost your self-confidence, believing in yourself and feeling more empowered to step out of your comfort zone, overcome challenged and achieve your goals.

Combining your yoga practice with positive affirmations is a powerful way in being able to enhance your overall well-being. In consciously choosing to focus on positive thoughts and beliefs it helps to quieten your mind and alleviate negative thought processes. This has a calming affect on your nervous system by reprogramming your mind with positive thoughts. Thus promoting the release of anxiety and tension, and as a result leaves you feeling more relaxed, more centred and more at peace. In promoting a positive mind-set, you are more able to deal with life's ups and downs from a place of equanimity rather than reactivity. In her article “10 Affirmations for Extra-Empowered Asana”, Shiva Rea shares how to combine yoga with affirmations.

How to use them

There are two types of positive affirmations. Goal affirmations and mantra affirmations.

Goal affirmations are written as though they are already happening and will continue to be true in the future. For example “I am so happy and healthy now that I make time for self-care every day”. They can be useful if you need encouragement and convincing.

Mantra affirmation are written as thought they have come true. They are ideal for meditation or throughout the day to keep you focused. For example “I am healthy and happy, I practise self-care daily. These work well if you already feel aligned with this energy or belief.

To create your own you will need to pause and reflect with kindness and self-compassion as it can be challenging. You can sit quietly and think about your core values, concentrating on 5 or 6 that really resonate with you. Then generating a phrase that starts “I AM” to start the new thought pattern, such as “I am enough”.

Affirmations need to be positive and present with uplifting words. Instead of phrasing it in a way of “I don't or won't” rephrase it in positive language. For example “I won’t eat chocolate” you could have “I will eat healthily”. And use words that you like and make you feel good – that embodies that energy you desire. For example “I radiate confidence”

Making them the most effective

There are a number of ways to use your affirmation. You can write it down and then put it somewhere you will frequently see it. You can say them to yourself in the mirror, so that you repeat them every time you see them. You can use them in a meditation, repeating them 3 to 10 or more times each meditation. You can also use them as part of your journaling practice. You can also find recorded meditations using affirmations through the internet such as YouTube and Spotify.

You can try out some different options and decide which one works best for you.

Here are a few positive affirmations that you can try out until you find one that really resonates for you and your life.

1.       I am strong, flexible and resilient

2.       I embrace peace and let go of negativity

3.       I trust my body and listen to its needs

4.       I am present in the moment and find balance in life

5.       I am grateful for all the blessings in my life

6.       I am worthy of success

7.       I believe in myself and I trust the universe

8.       I inhale relaxation, I exhale tension

9.       I am open to learning and growing through yoga

10.   I embrace the journey of self-discovery through yoga

In conclusion

Some days you wake up feeling like you can take on anything the world throws your way. Other times, you need a reminder of just how unique and amazing you are just to get through the day.

On those days when the struggle is real, affirmations can help. Research shows that repeating positive words or phrases actually lights up some of the brain’s reward centres, triggering the same feelings you might experience when you see someone you love or eat your favourite meal.

Incorporating affirmations in to your life and your yoga practice can boost your mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.  Through the practice of yoga and meditation you become more present, more aware of your thoughts. This allows you to start changing the narrative that accompanies what you are doing. Changing any negative self-talk to positive ones. Instead of “I am stupid” you can change the belief to “I am skilled and I have a powerful mind” and in repeating this you begin to reprogram your mind.

Affirmations can be goal focused, as though they are already happening, or stated in a way that the thought or intention has already come true - a mantra affirmation. You can write them down, journal about them, say them in the mirror, and meditate on the words yourself or listening to a recording. You can also incorporate them into your yoga practice. Say it each time you come into a pose.

By using affirmations you can improve your mental well-being, self-awareness, self-confidence and reduce stress. Through consistent practice and patience you will be able to start transforming your mind-set and your life.

If you are interested in learning more about the law of attraction, positive affirmations and manifestation then why not contact Adrian Bishop of Synergy Holistic Healing? He is a law of attraction life coach. Find out more at https://www.synergyholistichealing.co.uk/energy-work/manifest-inner-peace/law-of-attraction-coaching/


Winter Time Yoga


Manifestation and Visualisation